Voted! Love that picture of you! And this is a great Microfascination! Yay to Werner!! Yay to a mention of me and your reenactment and subsequent monologue of your husband playing Baldur's Gate was and is hilarious! Made my weekend!!
Aww thanks Melissa 😊 Lol that was so fun, I'll keep working on my Werner impression. Also good news—looks like my essay's heading to Round 2 next week, so thanks a million for voting!
Hooray for Butterfly! Hope you (and your readers) love it.
You've got my vote for "Mr. Brightside" too. I actually worked with Eric Roberts on a short film years ago, and I too am enamored by his acting skills. He also left us with a few great stories. 😂
OMG that's great, he rules so hard in the music video haha. And thanks for voting—looks like I'll be progressing to Round 2 next week, so the votes were much appreciated!!
How can you not vote for The Killers? No matter when or where I am, when I hear their music, I immediately want to start moving.
Your support is much appreciated ☺️
Voted! Love that picture of you! And this is a great Microfascination! Yay to Werner!! Yay to a mention of me and your reenactment and subsequent monologue of your husband playing Baldur's Gate was and is hilarious! Made my weekend!!
Aww thanks Melissa 😊 Lol that was so fun, I'll keep working on my Werner impression. Also good news—looks like my essay's heading to Round 2 next week, so thanks a million for voting!
Hooray for Butterfly! Hope you (and your readers) love it.
You've got my vote for "Mr. Brightside" too. I actually worked with Eric Roberts on a short film years ago, and I too am enamored by his acting skills. He also left us with a few great stories. 😂
OMG that's great, he rules so hard in the music video haha. And thanks for voting—looks like I'll be progressing to Round 2 next week, so the votes were much appreciated!!
Then there shall be more votes!
Thanks so much, Abby!
Thanks a bunch, Kelley!