Of course this will be a must read for me. I have a copy of the film and have watched it numerous times. It never gets old. Thank you for the link!

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What truly great lists, thank you! I am intrigued by the On Film and On Music lists, especially. Looking forward to the new installment of micro fascination.

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Thank you!! Bet you'd like this one 😊 https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/big-lebowski-9781838719609/

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Ah! This is so great!!! Thank you for putting this together and sharing!

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Aww! Eyes on Indie's monthly book roundups were great inspiration!

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I'd heard of BFI Film Classics but didn't realize they're essentially 33 1/3s for film. Now I just need to convince them to let me write about Who Framed Roger Rabbit!

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Omg, would read!!

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Great list, Abigail, thanks! I recently came across the Singles series (published by Duke University Press: https://dukeupress.edu/series/Singles), books about songs that were released as a single—might be interesting too!

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Oooh this is perfect, another great idea for a series. Thanks for putting it on my radar, Luuk!

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This one really got me excited too (especially in the wake of March Xness!)

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OMG, these all look SO GOOD. Thank you for sharing!!

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Thanks Kelley! As a fellow deep-diver I thought you would appreciate these, haha

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Oh absolutely. I literally opened them all up in tabs so I can go read further 😂

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